Saturday, May 26, 2012

"Aurora Borealis" bargello quilt. I made this quilt for a friend who is working on her Ph.D.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This quilt is 78" X 84".  It is made of 2" wide strips of a variety of Moda fabric. I made it for a friend's daughter-in-law. The strips are quilted with a simple vine and leaf pattern.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Joseph's new quilt

This quilt is made with purple and orange Philip Jacobs scallop shells fabric. The quilting echoes the shell pattern in the fabric.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Table Runner

I was trying for a Persian carpet look with this table runner.

Sasha's Quilt

This was made for little Sasha Humphrey, born December 22, 2011.

Lynne's Quilt

This is a quilt made of Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I bought the material at The Wooden Gate quilt shop in Danville, CA as a kit several years ago. I have been friends with Lynne Morrison since our grown children were in pre-school. It was a good experience for learning to work with these bright and beautiful fabrics. I already have another one in the planning stages.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dale's Quilt

This is a quilt I made for my good friend Dale Boercker. I created two block patterns and combined them. I used the border print as my starting point for fabric choices. I was trying to get a translucent effect with the shading.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Eileen's Quilt

This starry pattern quilt is made from fabrics I got at the Amana Colonies in Iowa in August, 2010. I began it at a class at Back Parch Fabrics in Pacific Grove, CA in November, 2010. It is a gift for my good friend Eileen Contento.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Something different.

This is a lap quilt that I made for the woman who facilitates my weight-loss group. She loves horses, and I wanted to make something that would show my appreciation for her hard and work and for her personal interests. This is what I call a "cheater" quilt, because I start with printed panels that I connect with sashing and then quilt to highlight the pictures.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

This is a baby quilt I just finished that has a Winnie the Pooh theme and is for a friend's new granddaughter.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Patti's Quilt

This is a quilt I've just completed for my sister-in-law, Patti Allen, who lives in Iowa. I wanted to make something that might brighten those dreary winter days.

Dale's quilt top

This is a quilt top thaqt I recently finished. It has lots of fall colors and fall-themed fabric. I used two different blocks to create the pattern.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Agne's Quilt

This is a quilt I just finished for a college friend of my son. She is very much into the Gothic Lolita and Cosplay styles. I used cupcake, ice cream, and love bird fabric. I also worked in some pink heart eyelet as well.

Monday, July 12, 2010

JImmy's Quilt

I just finished this Japanese-inspired quilt for my son's best friend. I started with the Kona Bay center panel of Mt. Fuji. I then added panels of complementary fabric with sashing. The quilting includes various Japanese motifs, including the kanji characters for "friendship" and "prosperity." This was a fun quilt to create.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Amy's Garden Quilt

I made this quilt for Amy Ponsetti who is an avid gardener. It has 12 different fruits and vegetables. The design is my own.


Here are Tammy and Taylor Slaubaugh with their Mother/Daughter quilts that I made in honor of Taylor leaving for college at the end of summer. I think they like them!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tammy and Taylor's Quilts

My friend Tammy is sending her only child, Taylor, off to college in a few months. I have created a set of mother/daughter quilts for them to have as a symbol of their connection. These quilts are cut from the same fabric (cotton batiks), mostly, and use the same pattern. The colors are reversed in the two quilts and the quilting designs are different on each. These quilts are meant to represent the connection of a mother and daughter, the ways they are the same and the ways they are not. I will let them decide who gets which quilt, and I hope they enjoy them. I used the Dream Green batting made from recycled plastic bottles. The quilts can laundered by machines.

I am coming to see quilts as a reflection of life. I have been studying Buddhist teachings for a few years now, and I look at my quilts as the monks look at their mandala sand paintings (mine are not as beautiful). These items are made with great care and a specific purpose, but it is understood that they will also be destroyed at some point. My greatest hope is that my quilts are used until they are only rags.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Table runners for Tammy Slabaugh.

I started with Paula Nadelstern fabric and used batiks in a french braid pattern to complete the design.

Lorinda's quilt is in its new home in Albuquerque.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28, 2010: Here is the jewel box quilt that I have made for my daughter's mother-in-law. She lives in New Mexico, so I wanted something that would reflect southwest colors. I have used Bali jewel tone prints with a Mexican folkart border.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Earlier this year (2009), I made a baby quilt for the son of Sara Ponsetti and Todd Siders. Here is little Bodhi checking it out.

I wanted to make something for Christmas this year for some of the special people in my life. This table runner is from various Christmas fabrics I have and from quartered medallions from a red and green celestial fabric. I was trying to give the runners a "Victorian" feel. I think it worked.

This black, red, and white double wedding ring quilt is based on a design by John Flynn. I made it for my daughter and son-in-law as wedding present. The wedding was two and one-half years ago, but they are only now getting it. I hand pieced the more than 1800 individual pieces and also hand quilted the 100" X 100" quilt. The colors represent the colors of their wedding and it includes some spider web pieces because my daughter loves Halloween and things spiders are really fine.

Monday, September 14, 2009

First French braid

This is my first attempt at a French braid design. It went to together relatively quickly (less than two weeks start to finish). I hope to try some more. The color possibilities are endless.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Semblance of Seasons

This quilt is made of nearly forty different Asian-inspired fabrics, for which I have a real passion. I also call it "Spawn of Hellgirl" because I got the idea for it from the opening and closing credits of the anime series "Hellgirl." I have used Quilter's Dream Green batting, which is made entirely from recycled plastic bottles. It is machine-pieced and hand-quilted. It measures approximately 65" X 74". I plan to use it on my couch, along with the three Asian fabric pillows. This was a fun quilt to design. I started with a large collection of fat quarters and cut them into 5" squares. I first put up the four central panels and then built the rest of top around them. I have one wall in my workspace that is covered with fleece. That makes if possible for me to try various combinations and design choices before I actually start sewing. The backing and the quilt thread are pale lavender.

Monday, July 27, 2009

This is a cat-themed quilt for our friend, Bob Gibson. I used a pre-printed panel of cats and cut them into 10" squares. I then alternated with coordinating 4-patch blocks. This is the first quilt in which I've used the "Dream Green" batting which is made from recycled plastic bottles. It is machined-pieced and hand-quilted.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Old and New

Here are some more quilts. The kaleidoscope quilt is one of my favorite patterns. It offers so much possibility in using colors and prints to create a variety of effects. I enjoy using the straight-edge pieces to give the illusion of spinning circles.

The watercolor quilt is a small wall-hanging that I create about 10 years ago. It was an experiment in using many different floral fabrics. Now that I have a whole wall covered with fleece, it would be much easier to design.

The pillows were made recently. I used the same fabric source for the central panel in each, but different contrasting fabrics for the three pillows. I'm currently quilting a large throw quilt that should complement these pillows and my beige couches.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A New Beginning

Here are my most recent quilts. I will be posting pictures of past quilts and showing what I am currently working as I go along. Enjoy.